by bn59372baG | Jan 28, 2020 | Eric's Blog
Are you sitting down? I am warning you. Sit before you get engrossed in this Fifth Blog. Reading it will make you weak. Didja know that Engelbert Humperdinck’s real name is Arnold George Dorsey. He changed it to Humperdinck because he thought Dorsey was a silly name....
by bn59372baG | Jan 26, 2020 | Eric's Blog
For all of you are cannot help but suffer, here is another blog. Since my last blog I have discovered that there are some people courageous enough to admit they have actually read my blogs. I won’t shame them by revealing their identities in public, except for my...
by bn59372baG | Jan 23, 2020 | Eric's Blog
This third blog is being sent out in quick succession to the second blog as a test. I am hoping that I have corrected the problem so that it will be emailed to my subscribers. I would appreciate if my two subscribers would verify that they received this blog in their...
by bn59372baG | Jan 22, 2020 | Eric's Blog
This is my very first blog. It feels like an adventure. It is one thing to expose my thoughts to my family and friends and another to the four or five strangers who may stumble on to this blog by accident and read It. I am writing this by popular demand. By “popular”...
by bn59372baG | Jan 14, 2020 | Eric's Blog
Welcome to the second of my “when I fell like writing it” blogs. I wrote it in Quartzsite, AZ, a place I have visited in my RV every January without fail for over 30 years. Why do I visit? For the RV, Sports, and Recreation Show. And I am not alone. In January each...
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